S P A N I S H · C O N N E C T I O N S

Las leyes nuevamente hechas en el Parlamento de Inglaterra este año de 1606 contra los católicos ingleses: An online critical edition

Here is an online critical edition of Las leyes nuevamente hechas en el Parlamento de Inglaterra este año de 1606 contra los católicos ingleses (1606), a Spanish abridged version of two Jacobean penal laws: "Act for the better discovery and repression of Popish Recusants" (3 Jac I, iv) and "An Act to prevent and avoid Dangers which grow by Popish Recusants" (3 Jac I, v), to which are appended three extracts from letters by Catholic priests exiled from England.

The source text is a contemporary manuscript copy of the printed pamphlet bearing the same title (USTC No. 5012990), . The manuscript is held by the Bibioteca Histórica de Santa Cruz, at the Universidad de Valladolid (Ref. MS 551, fols 211-216).

Follow the links on the left side to read the edited text. It comes with a commentary and annotations, and an English translation, besides digital reproductions from the original.


Coordinated by Berta Cano Echevarría and Anunciación Carrera de la Red.

Edited and annotated jointly by students of the Master in Advanced English Studies (Universidad de Valladolid / Universidad de Salamanca) for the module "The Age of Shakespeare and Cervantes" (2023-2024):

Hanan Aharchi

Adri Cerezo Menac

Alicia Fernández Viña

Andrea Ingelmo Pérez

Silvia Lafuente Sangüesa

Anastasiia Lozova

Javier Martín Cáceres

Miguel Martín Cáceres

Zuzanna Heinrich

Valeriia Yefymenko

Yolanda Rama Cousillas

Cristina Pérez del Barrio

Leila Marandi López

Gloria Grande Almoguera

Ana Ferrero Cortes


Our thanks are due to the Biblioteca Histórica de Santa Cruz de la Universidad de Valladolid for permission to publish reproductions of MS 551, fols 211-216, in this site.

This educational project is supported by the Vicerrectorado de Innovación Docente y Transformación Digital, Universidad de Valladolid (PID Realia & Replica, 2023-2024).

The research behind the critical edition is funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Gobierno de España: MIST, Misiones y transmisiones: Intercambios entre la Península Ibérica y las Islas Británicas de la época moderna extensa (PID2020-113516GB-I00).