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"Siendo la venida del Serenissimo Principe de Vvalia a estos Reynos la mas nueua accion que en persona Real han visto los siglos, en que escureçio los exemplares antiguos, pasmo las naciones y dio cierta esperança de grandes felicidades ..."

The geography of the British Isles as it could be known to the first generation of college students. It is one of the 29 new tables with which the editio princeps of Ptolemy's Geographia (1477) was updated in 1522. The map shows Scotland, Ireland,…

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An unknown sermon on the martyrdom of Thomas Becket, murdered by knights of Henry II, King England. The cult of the saint arrived in Castile through the daughter of the English monarch, Elaeonor Plantagenet, wife to Alfonso VIII and Queen Consort of…

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This chronicle on the ancient history of Spain and compendium of that of Castile down to the reign of King Juan II was commissioned by Isabella the Catholic. Fol. 92r (col. 2) reports the landing in Galicia of John of Gaunt with his troops. It was…

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By the Treaty of Bayonne of 1388, Catherine of Lancaster became wife to Prince Henry, heir to the throne of Castile, and first Princess of Asturias in history. The later Queen Consort of Henry III of Castile and regent of the kingdom during the…

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This incunable, printed in Lyon in 1494, contains two works by the English Franciscan William of Ockham, written against the second Pope of Avignon John XXII. Still preserved in its contemporary binding (white tawed leather over wooden boards, with…

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The divorce of Henry VIII from Catherine of Aragon swerved the course of the Anglo-Spanish dynastic alliances. In this work, the papal historian Paolo Giovio, a contemporary, recounts the geography and history of England down to the Anglican schism.…

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Pp. 18-19, on the Spanish Armada anchored off Calais on 27th July, 1588 and the English launching fireships against it.
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