Yngalaterra, Escoçia, Yrlanda: Spain and the British Isles to 1648

This online exhibit features 30 manuscripts, incunabula and early imprints from the special collections of the Biblioteca Histórica de Santa Cruz, Universidad de Valladolid. The selection showcases the principal points of historical and cultural contact between Spain and the British Isles, from the late Middle Ages to the Peace of Westphalia.


  • an unknown sermon on Thomas Becket's murder,
  • Robert Persons' own exemplar of Bridgewater, and
  • the only remnant estampa of Our Lady Vulnerata, c. 1670.

Find about

  • Eleanor Plantagenet's cultural legacy in Castile,
  • Catherine of Lancaster's consort-queenship of the kingdom,
  • the persecution of Catholics in England, and
  • Philip III of Spain's Embassy to James I.

Admire the library's

  • Thomas of Ireland,
  • Hector Boece,
  • Speculum Nauticum, and
  • its rare copy of the Irish-Gaelic Book of Common Prayer in its original binding.

A catalogue and complement to the physical exhibit Yngalaterra, Escoçia, Yrlanda, curated by Anunciación Carrera de la Red, in Biblioteca Histórica de Santa Cruz, Universidad de Valladolid (19 September-30 November 2019).


For this online exhibition, Anunciación Carrera de la Red (Curator, Content Contributor, Metadata) & Cristina Valerio Hernández (Digital Access), with permission of the Biblioteca Histórica de Santa Cruz, Universidad de Valladolid.